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Topic Pages

Use the navigation bar on the left to find the topic that you need a reference for. Reference How To if you have any questions about how to use the content. Everything is setup to make it as easy as possible to share the sources.

1 - How To Use This Website

How to copy any of sources for use on social media

2 - Climate Change

Are The Changes In Our Environment Man Made?

3 - Electric Vehicles

Are Electric Vehicles the Future?

They Are More Carbon Intensive To Manufacture, Negating Their Benefit

4 - COVID-19

This is a placeholder page that shows you how to use this template site.

This section is where the user documentation for your project lives - all the information your users need to understand and successfully use your project.

For large documentation sets we recommend adding content under the headings in this section, though if some or all of them don’t apply to your project feel free to remove them or add your own. You can see an example of a smaller Docsy documentation site in the Docsy User Guide, which lives in the Docsy theme repo if you’d like to copy its docs section.

Other content such as marketing material, case studies, and community updates should live in the About and Community pages.

Find out how to use the Docsy theme in the Docsy User Guide. You can learn more about how to organize your documentation (and how we organized this site) in Organizing Your Content.

5 - Vaccines

Here’s where your user finds out if your project is for them.

This is a placeholder page that shows you how to use this template site.

The Overview is where your users find out about your project. Depending on the size of your docset, you can have a separate overview page (like this one) or put your overview contents in the Documentation landing page (like in the Docsy User Guide).

Try answering these questions for your user in this page:

What is it?

Introduce your project, including what it does or lets you do, why you would use it, and its primary goal (and how it achieves it). This should be similar to your README description, though you can go into a little more detail here if you want.

Why do I want it?

Help your user know if your project will help them. Useful information can include:

  • What is it good for?: What types of problems does your project solve? What are the benefits of using it?

  • What is it not good for?: For example, point out situations that might intuitively seem suited for your project, but aren’t for some reason. Also mention known limitations, scaling issues, or anything else that might let your users know if the project is not for them.

  • What is it not yet good for?: Highlight any useful features that are coming soon.

Where should I go next?

Give your users next steps from the Overview. For example:

5.1 - COVID 19 Vaccine Information

Excerpts from and links to highly credible information about the COVID-19 Vaccines

Please use the content on this page as a quick resource for sharing on social media. All sources have been vetted for reliability and credibility.

If you ever find that not to be true, or if you would like to have a source or excerpt added, please use the Submit Feedback link on the right.

Are the COVID-19 Vaccines Safe?

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine

All three vaccines authorized for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been thoroughly tested and found to be safe and effective in preventing severe COVID-19. They continue to undergo continuous and intense safety monitoring.

From The CDC

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials. The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization (EUA).

Aren’t Vaccinated Individuals Spreading The Virus

Vaccinated People Still Get Infected, So It Must Not Work

But 74% Of Infected People In Provincetown, MA Were Vaccinated

Base Rate Fallacy from Wikipedia

When the prevalence, the proportion of those who have a given condition, is lower than the test’s false positive rate, even tests that have a very low chance of giving a false positive in an individual case will give more false than true positives overall.

Can The Government Mandate That I Take A Vaccine?

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Part of the NIH

A law that authorizes mandatory vaccination during an epidemic of a lethal disease, with refusal punishable by a monetary penalty, like the one at issue in Jacobson, would undoubtedly be found constitutional under the low constitutional test of “rationality review.” However, the vaccine would have to be approved by the FDA as safe and effective, and the law would have to require exceptions for those who have contraindications to the vaccine. A law that authorizes mandatory vaccination to prevent dangerous contagious diseases in the absence of an epidemic, such as the school immunization requirement summarily upheld in 1922, also would probably be upheld as long as (1) the disease still exists in the population where it can spread and cause serious injury to those infected, and (2) a safe and effective vaccine could prevent transmission to others.
